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  • 网站建设
  • 网站建设
  • 网站建设
    网址:http://www.ausalla.com/       浏览次数:2231
    发布日期:2011/11/1   网站关健词:奥诗娜   百度排名:

  •     Kam Wah Hong (Int’l) Co., Ltd. was found in 1955 and which was a family (group) business in the beginning. Our major customers were the drug stores and most of the cosmetics retail shops during that time. 
        Along with the opening of China domestic market in 1983 and after having accumulate of more than 30 years of experience, improvements and innovations in the cosmetics field. We decided to develop our business in China domestic trade business. Shataukok and Shenzhen were the two bases we chose to start with. Our major business was wholesaling of body cleansing products and cosmetics at that time. Because of the good relationship with our clients and the decent reputation in the area so the Company became the China sole agent of Eagle’s American Ginseng tea and Hazeline personal care brands for the first time in 1989. Our business had grown tremendously fast since then and also gained so much appreciation.

        The Company then decided to move its steps into Guangzhou on the early of 90's and also enforced our sales in wholesaling not only the foresaid products but in perfumes distribution to most of the mega shopping mall’s cosmetics counters. Additionally we also provide OEM and ODM services on cosmetics products for most of the Hong Kong major chain stores and China domestic mega supermarkets. We have established two international GMP standard factories and have been producing series of popular brand products in the market today.

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南宁地址:广西南宁市民族大道93号新兴大厦B座9楼  邮编:530022  南宁市滨湖广场旁
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联系人:易先生 刘小姐 玉先生 宋小姐 钟小姐 王先生    全国热线:400-602-0052
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